That’s Easy for You to Say… But Is It for Your Child?

Written by Vince Borg

Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist
B.Sc, B.Sp.Path, C.P.S.P

That’s Easy For You to Say…
…But is it For Your Child?

You’ve enrolled her in prep for 2019. You’ve got the uniform and schoolbag. You’re reading about how to prepare your child for school (read these articles by The Raising Children Network and the Australian Government). But are your child’s communication skills ready?

Now is a great time to consider whether your child’s speech and language skills need a boost to support her as she transitions to ‘big school’. Some questions to ask include:

    • Are there particular sounds that he has trouble saying?
    • Can your child say his name with ease and confidence?
    • Has a sibling become a ‘translator’ and has this become a way of coping for your child and family to ‘normalise’ the situation?
    • Do unfamiliar listeners ask your child to repeat himself or comment on your child’s speech?
    • Has your child’s kinder teacher said that your child has difficulty expressing himself clearly?
    • Is he willing to approach peers and ask to join in games? Do other children accept and understand your child in group play?
    • If your child were hurt or lost, could he state clearly what had happened or say where he lives?
  • Does your child ever become upset, frustrated or withdrawn because of difficulties communicating with others?

At four years, a child’s speech should be understood by an unfamiliar listener, even if it contains errors (eg. “wabbit” for ‘rabbit’, “fum” for ‘thumb’).

If you have concerns about your child’s speech, our speech pathologists are here to help. Strong communication skills are essential for your child to be an active participant in class and in the playground, to learn and to build relationships. They also have a big impact on self-esteem and resilience.

Book an assessment today – we will either reassure you that your child’s speech is developing as expected or support you to build your child’s abilities, helping him thrive at school. Early intervention is best!

When to Seek Help
Seek help early, don’t wait and see! Well-meaning family and friends may tell you not to worry but you are the expert on your child. If you have any concerns at all about your child’s speech and language development, call us on 9899 5494!

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