5 Activities to Help Your Child Learn Language!

Written by Donna Waterworth

Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist
B.Sc, B.Sp.Path, C.P.S.P

Here at Box Hill Speech Pathology, we use toys to help children learn language.

These toys help kids learn new words, follow directions, take turns, and talk with others.

1. Picture books

Picture books

  • Picture books with things to touch or lift, like flap books, are fun and help kids learn words and how sentences work.
  • You can help by:
    • Saying one word: “more,” “lion,” “next.”
    • Saying short phrases: “next page,” “the lion is in the box.”
    • Asking questions like: “Is it a lion or a dog?” or “Is the giraffe tall or short?”
    • Asking simple questions like: “Is this a snake?” or “What colour is the camel?”

2. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

  • This classic toy lets kids be creative while learning words.
  • Use short words for body parts: “eyes,” “nose,” “ears,” “legs.”
  • Use describing words: “big,” “small,” “funny.”
  • Give simple instructions: “Put the eyes on.”

3. Building blocks

Building blocks

  • Blocks are a great way to teach kids to follow directions, describe things, and learn about space.
  • Use simple words for colours, size, and actions like: “yellow,” “big block,” “on,” “go.”

4. Bubbles


  • Bubbles are fun and help kids learn words.
  • Say one word like: “bubbles,” “pop,” “up,” “big.”
  • Say short phrases like: “more bubbles,” “pop bubbles,” “big bubble.”
  • Use coloured bottles and ask for the “pink” or “long” bottle.
  • Ask where the bubble should land: “on your nose?” “on your tummy?”

5. Puppets


  • Puppets are great for talking and playing pretend.
  • Practice talking with phrases like: “Hello, I’m Mr. Lion, what’s your name?”

These toys make learning language fun and easy for kids!

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